Mediapersons in Mumbai on Saturday took out a procession to condemn the brutal killing of senior journalist Jyotirmoy Dey and demanded CBI probe into the incident. The journalists, belonging to both print and electronic media organisations and associations, gathered at Patrakar Sangh in south Mumbai and marched toward Mantralaya. Condemning the killing of senior investigative journalist Jyotirmoy Dey in Mumbai, Confederation of Newspaper and News Agency Employees' Organisation today demanded immediate arrest of the culprits and urged the union and the state governments to ensure safety of scribes. "No civilised society can a ccept this kind of attack on the freedom of press...We expect the Maharashtra government to immediately arrest the culprits and ensure protection to scribes so that the press can work in free environment," CNNAEO general secretary M S Yadav said in a statement here. The confederation, which is spearheading nation-wide agitations for early notif...
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