Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum, also giant cow parsley) is a plant in the family Apiaceae. It typically grows to heights of 2–5 metres (6 ft 7 in–16 ft 5 in), sometimes reaching 7 metres (23 ft). Except for size, it closely resembles Common Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium), Heracleum sosnowskyi or Garden Angelica (Angelica archangelica). It is phototoxic and considered to be a noxious weed in many jurisdictions. Its sap, in combination with moisture and sunlight, can cause severe skin and eye irritation, painful blistering, permanent scarring and blindness. Contact between the skin and the sap of this plant occurs either through brushing against the bristles on the stem or breaking the stem or leaves. Giant hogweed makes an impressive appearance because of its height, and the size of the leaves and flower clusters. But it may spell trouble for people who are sensitive to the plant sap, a clear and watery fluid. The combination of sap on the skin and exposure to sunlight c...
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