The incident took place early in the morning when Chitra and her family were preparing to leave for the rehearsals when they saw the front door of the house open and Nandana missing. As they rushed outside, they found Nanadana in the swimming pool. She was rushed to a nearby hospital in Jebel Ali, but was already declared dead. The body has been sent for forensic checking, which will then be preserved and will be sent back to Kerala for the last rites. Playback singer K S Chitra's eight-year-old daughter Nandana died today in a mishap at their villa at Dubai. The little girl drowned in the swimming pool. The body of the child, Nandana, was found in the pool of the villa in Emirates Hills, where the singer was staying, sources said. Though she was rushed to a private hospital, her life could not be saved. The body of Nandana will be brought to Chennai on Thursday night at around 9pm. Chitra along with her husband Vijaya Shankar and daughter Nandana has left to Dub...
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