CHENNAI: At least 22 people, including five women, were burnt to death in Tamil Nadu when their bus fell into a pit and its diesel tank caught fire, police said Wednesday. Only one passenger and the bus driver had a miraculous escape. While trying to avoid hitting another vehicle, the Pollachi-bound bus belonging to KPN Travels crashed into the pit near Vellore district, around 120 km from here, close to midnight Tuesday. Vellore district officials told IANS that only two people survived. The bus driver surrendered to police. Karthikai Rajam, the lone surviving passenger, said he escaped by breaking open a window but couldn't save his wife Smitha. The bodies of the dead have been taken to a hospital in Wallajan for post mortem. Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa Wednesday announced a compensation of Rs.100,000 to the families of the dead and Rs.50,000 to the injured in the accident. Jayalalithaa said in the assembly that she had told Transport Minister V. Senthil Balaji, ...
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