Opening ceremony, showcasing a huge dash of Bollywoood-style entertainment, on Friday marked the launch of the fourth edition of the IPL, the Twenty20 extravaganza which has gained immense popularity since its inception. world's leading cricketers, including star Indian players who led the country to a historic World Cup triumph last week, will feature in the fourth edition of the event, being held for the first time without its brainchild Lalit Modi. The controversial Modi was sacked as IPL Chairman immediately after the third edition and is facing charges of irregularities in conducting the IPL. The highlight of the show was a dance performance by Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who is also co-owner of the Kolkata Knight Riders. He enthralled the huge gathering by dancing on some famous numbers from his flicks such as 'Chak-de India' and 'Billu'. The one-hour ceremony started with all the 10 captains signing the MCC spirit of cricket banner. Hi...
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