MUMBAI: Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan says he would like to work wish his favourite co-star Rani Mukherjee. In a report appeared in The Times of India, Abhishek said that he wants to change audiences' perception about him being a non-actor with his next film, Dum Maaro Dum. Abhishek's last release Raavan, Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Se and Game have been box office disasters and he wishes to set cash registers ringing with Dum Maaro Dum. Talking about his favourite co-stars, Bachchan said, "Rani is the best co-star I have ever worked with. She's beautiful and is a brilliant actor." When asked if he would like to work with her again, Abhi promptly replied, "Of course, I would love to work with her." It can be recalled that Abhishek and Rani, who have worked in films like Yuva, Bunty Aur Babli, Laga Chunri Mein Daag and Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna, had been linked up with each other before Abhi-Ash's marriage. There were also rumours that the two are planning t...
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