Lady Gaga’s official YouTube channel has been suspended by the video sharing website. People who click on it expecting to see material posted by the Born This Way singer are greeted with a simple message. “This account has been suspended due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s Copyright Policy,” it reads. Several online reports say it’s because of a disagreement between the star and a Japanese media company.
Copyright violation
Lady Gaga recently appeared on SMAP X SMAP, a weekly TV show in Japan, to promote her new album. During her ten minute set she performed a medley of songs featuring Born This Way, You & I and The Edge of Glory. Footage of that performance has since been removed from other websites as well as YouTube. On one it says the copyright violation claim is from Media Interactive Inc. Google, which owns YouTube, said it does not comment on individual videos or accounts.
Lady Gaga is one of the most popular artists on the internet.
Her Bad Romance video has been watched nearly 400 million times on YouTube.
She also has more than 11 million followers on Twitter.- BBC
Copyright violation
Lady Gaga recently appeared on SMAP X SMAP, a weekly TV show in Japan, to promote her new album. During her ten minute set she performed a medley of songs featuring Born This Way, You & I and The Edge of Glory. Footage of that performance has since been removed from other websites as well as YouTube. On one it says the copyright violation claim is from Media Interactive Inc. Google, which owns YouTube, said it does not comment on individual videos or accounts.
Lady Gaga is one of the most popular artists on the internet.
Her Bad Romance video has been watched nearly 400 million times on YouTube.
She also has more than 11 million followers on Twitter.- BBC
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