"Rescue Me," the Denis Leary-starring show about a New York City firefighter, begins its final season Wednesday night.
Over the years, the show has been praised for its treatment of Sept. 11, for its examination of alcoholism and for the cast's performances. It's also been criticized for all those thingsFinal season starts tonight. Anyone else excited? I have followed this show from the beginning and I am interested to see how it wraps up.As the final chapter of Rescue Me begins, unsparing as ever as it alternates between raunchy dark comedy and lacerating drama, anti-hero firefighter legend Tommy Gavin (Denis Leary) remains a haunted and harried man, beset by ghosts and recurring guilt-mares over the mess he's made of his life.When it comes to their patients, however (victims, in Gavin’s case), there’s nothing they won’t do to prevent death and suffering, including putting their own lives at considerable risk. And it’s in the heat of battle — whether the operating room or a five-alarm blaze — where each man truly shines. At times too in recent years it's seemed less like Leary is playing an NYC firefighter and more like he's playing Denis Leary—a funny enough presence on, say, The Daily Show, but not the character I came to Rescue Me to watch.
Rescue Me” (10 p.m., FX, TV-MA) enters its seventh and final season with Tommy (Denis Leary) anticipating one new bundle of responsibility while putting out the many figurative fires he's set over the years. You won't full appreciate the series if this is the first episode you watch. You will still be able to appreciate the high quality. Previous seasons are on DVD and well worth your time.
Over the years, the show has been praised for its treatment of Sept. 11, for its examination of alcoholism and for the cast's performances. It's also been criticized for all those thingsFinal season starts tonight. Anyone else excited? I have followed this show from the beginning and I am interested to see how it wraps up.As the final chapter of Rescue Me begins, unsparing as ever as it alternates between raunchy dark comedy and lacerating drama, anti-hero firefighter legend Tommy Gavin (Denis Leary) remains a haunted and harried man, beset by ghosts and recurring guilt-mares over the mess he's made of his life.When it comes to their patients, however (victims, in Gavin’s case), there’s nothing they won’t do to prevent death and suffering, including putting their own lives at considerable risk. And it’s in the heat of battle — whether the operating room or a five-alarm blaze — where each man truly shines. At times too in recent years it's seemed less like Leary is playing an NYC firefighter and more like he's playing Denis Leary—a funny enough presence on, say, The Daily Show, but not the character I came to Rescue Me to watch.
Rescue Me” (10 p.m., FX, TV-MA) enters its seventh and final season with Tommy (Denis Leary) anticipating one new bundle of responsibility while putting out the many figurative fires he's set over the years. You won't full appreciate the series if this is the first episode you watch. You will still be able to appreciate the high quality. Previous seasons are on DVD and well worth your time.
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