The most latest news is brought to you by the we trying to provide you the most latest news which are currently trend and being read among the news reading community see the news What Vince Young wants Vince Young will apparently get.
Just hours after Young was finally cut loose by the Titans, Clark Judge of reports Young is “expected” to join the Eagles. Young is a “virtual certainty” to be Michael Vick’s backup.Michael Vick. A lot of people had been throwing that out there today, but I didn't think it was really a fit. They are actually quite different quarterbacks.More detail about the news is this that
If this is true, it pretty much guarantees that Vince will see action in 2011 because Vick has proven that he cannot stay healthy.And guess which team is already getting speculatively connected to Young? That's right, the Miami Dolphins. What? You thought I was going to say the Oakland Raiders? I'll get to that. But first the fish.
Chris Mortenson of ESPN had reported that the Dolphins and Eagles having done a lot of work on him. It’s a great move for both sides. The Eagles need a backup for Mike Vick, and Young will benefit from the coaching that Andy Reid can provide.will keep us reading for the most latest news for all of you.
Just hours after Young was finally cut loose by the Titans, Clark Judge of reports Young is “expected” to join the Eagles. Young is a “virtual certainty” to be Michael Vick’s backup.Michael Vick. A lot of people had been throwing that out there today, but I didn't think it was really a fit. They are actually quite different quarterbacks.More detail about the news is this that
If this is true, it pretty much guarantees that Vince will see action in 2011 because Vick has proven that he cannot stay healthy.And guess which team is already getting speculatively connected to Young? That's right, the Miami Dolphins. What? You thought I was going to say the Oakland Raiders? I'll get to that. But first the fish.
Chris Mortenson of ESPN had reported that the Dolphins and Eagles having done a lot of work on him. It’s a great move for both sides. The Eagles need a backup for Mike Vick, and Young will benefit from the coaching that Andy Reid can provide.will keep us reading for the most latest news for all of you.
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