Naye Saawaal is a drama series currently on-air on Star Plus. The series premiered on April 4, 2011. This show symbolizes the ambiguity of India’s young generation as they struggle to strike a balance between traditions and modernity and make sense of life as they know it.
As a kid, Somya Kamal Seth better known as Navya from the famous serial of Star Plus was a very shant girl, just like her onscreen character Navya.
I used to stay so quiet in class that even though I had full attendance, teachers still used to ask my parents 'ki yeh absent kyun rehti hai itna?'.
In Star Plus’ show Navya,.Anant (Shaheer Sheikh) had made his decision and had chosen his family over Navya (Soumya Seth) and every thing seemed to end for both of them. But destiny had some thing else in store and finally in the upcoming episodes Anant will confess his love for her
Anant was heart broken as he was not able to come to terms with his relationship with Navya.
Naye Saawaal is a drama series currently on-air on Star Plus. The series premiered on April 4, 2011. This show symbolizes the ambiguity of India’s young generation as they struggle to strike a balance between traditions and modernity and make sense of life as they know it.
As a kid, Somya Kamal Seth better known as Navya from the famous serial of Star Plus was a very shant girl, just like her onscreen character Navya.
I used to stay so quiet in class that even though I had full attendance, teachers still used to ask my parents 'ki yeh absent kyun rehti hai itna?'.
In Star Plus’ show Navya,.Anant (Shaheer Sheikh) had made his decision and had chosen his family over Navya (Soumya Seth) and every thing seemed to end for both of them. But destiny had some thing else in store and finally in the upcoming episodes Anant will confess his love for her
Anant was heart broken as he was not able to come to terms with his relationship with Navya.
Naye Saawaal is a drama series currently on-air on Star Plus. The series premiered on April 4, 2011. This show symbolizes the ambiguity of India’s young generation as they struggle to strike a balance between traditions and modernity and make sense of life as they know it.
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