Film actor Rami Reddy, known for playing the role of a villain in Telugu and Hindi films, passed away in Hyderabad on Thursday. Rami Reddy became popular with his role in Ankusam. He acted in as many as 250 films in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam and Bhojpuri. The final rites would be carried out at Punjagutta crematorium in Hyderabad Thursday evening. Reddy, who was undergoing treatment for the past couple of weeks, died at a private hospital in Secunderabad at around 11 a.m. on Thursday morning. He is survived by two daughters and a son. The final rites would be conducted at Punjagutta crematorium here this evening. Hailing from Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, Reddy started his career as a journalist before entering the film industry. Rami Reddy became popular with his role in Ankusam. He acted in as many as 250 films in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam and Bhojpuri. The final rites would be conducted at Punjagutta crematorium here this evening...
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