I can’t figure out which is the better show, that or Dr. Drew’s nightly series where he’s currently hashing out the Casey Anthony trial. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of the players in the trial end up in Celebrity Rehab really soon.
I do think that Dr. Drew’s heart is in the right place and it does highlight the disease in all its ugliness and fatality with many of it’s former participants ultimately succumbing to addiction (i.e. Mike Starr and Jeff Conaway).
Which brings us to Amy Fisher. Yes, she's a celebrity. Come on, if a first degree attempted murder charge (and aggravated assault conviction) and a lame porn career don't qualify you, what does?
This compelling true account of addiction, healing, and redemption continues to be supervised with great compassion and insight by renowned addiction and recovery expert Dr. Drew Pinsky. The most listened to doctor in America, Dr. Drew is the host of the nationally syndicated radio show Loveline where he has been

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