most latest news which is brorght to you by the news agency is this news is about the delta airlines
flight from Atlanta, Georgia, to Belize was searched by a police bomb squad at Belize's Philip Goldson International Airport Monday after the pilot reported suspicious activity by a passenger and "the possibility of a bomb threat."
Delta Airlines said in a statement that a passenger was removed from the flight and questioned by local law enforcement authorities. The plane was met upon arrival by police and soldiers, and the police bomb squad went through the plane with sniffer dogs, who did not find anything suspicious.more detail about the news is this that
The other passengers aboard Delta Flight 4345 were taken to an airport lounge after the plane landed as scheduled at the airport is located just outside Belize City, the Caribbean country's largest city.
flight from Atlanta, Georgia, to Belize was searched by a police bomb squad at Belize's Philip Goldson International Airport Monday after the pilot reported suspicious activity by a passenger and "the possibility of a bomb threat."
Delta Airlines said in a statement that a passenger was removed from the flight and questioned by local law enforcement authorities. The plane was met upon arrival by police and soldiers, and the police bomb squad went through the plane with sniffer dogs, who did not find anything suspicious.more detail about the news is this that
The other passengers aboard Delta Flight 4345 were taken to an airport lounge after the plane landed as scheduled at the airport is located just outside Belize City, the Caribbean country's largest city.
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