Apple is known for the fact that continuously involved in the invention of new and improving existing technologies and devices. Recently in the network appeared two curious patent statement describing new technologies developed by Apple. One of them will make the Smartphone iPhone even more quality tool for photography and the second will allow player iPod nano more live up to its name.
The first statement marks, no less, a new era in portable digital photography. Invented by Apple camera offers advanced Flash and embedded smart features that make excellent quality images with a wide variety of settings.
Among the modern features of this camera is, for example, selecting scenes and selectivity. This will allow a better crop, adjust the width, angle and focus on specific details. The statement also has hints of what these technologies can be used in Mac computers. Another advantage of this camera is the fact that, being extremely rich in features, it consumes less energy.
New Apple patent statement reflected in this new audio Jack that uses pins pogo that allows essentially reducing its volume. Recently when portable players smaller in dimensions 3.5 mm jacks requires an artificial increase in the size of the device (such was the case with the latest generation of iPod nano). Now, thanks to the use of this miniature connector manufacturer will be able to continue to reduce the size of their devices.
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